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.........   February 14, 2020 at 7 p.m . : Literary getaways - Katherine PANCOL   .........

February 14, 2020 at 7 p.m . : Literary getaways - Katherine PANCOL

Among other beautiful surprises from the 2020 edition of the Literary Escapades, Katherine Pancol does us the honor of a Grimaud stopover to present her latest novel Bed Bug. She will be accompanied and interviewed by Brigitte KERNEL, literary voice of France Inter and author of numerous works, to whom we owe this beautiful meeting.

For this evening of February 14, both take you traveling in Love. And the organizing team, supported by the decorator MarionCréations and the caterer Garnier, will concoct a pink-hearted atmosphere and a red-kiss cocktail to match the event!

You will surely be many to have offered "the last Pancol" to your loved ones, now come and offer him the dedication of his favorite author.

A unique moment, to be saved as soon as possible in your calendars!


Friday February 14, from 7 p.m.

Beausoleil Building Festival Hall

Meeting and discussions with the author, then dedications and cocktail reception


Book Summary: "Bridget Jones post #Metoo"

“Rose is a young biologist. She is doing research in Paris and New York on a firefly, Lamprohiza splendidula, which seems very promising for medical research.

If she studies with great mastery the sexual alchemy of insects and their reproduction, she finds herself totally distraught when faced with Leo when she falls in love with them.

Life is not like in a laboratory.

And it is not his mother (hidden behind dark glasses) or his grandmother (who speaks to God and his toes) who will be able to help him.

"Bed bug" or the disarray in love of a woman at the edge of a bed. "

PDF : Flyer Escapade PANCOL - 14.02.2020





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