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.........   Call for applications: CCAS board of directors   .........

Call for applications: CCAS board of directors

Following the municipal elections of March 15, 2020, the board of directors of the Center Communal d'Action Sociale (CCAS) de GRIMAUD is being renewed, which leads a general prevention and social development action in the commune, in close liaison with public and private institutions.

Administered by a board of directors, the CCAS is a public administrative establishment endowed with a legal personality of public law and thus with its own budget.

In application of articles L.123-6, R.123-11 and R.123-12 of the social action and families code:

This Board of Directors, chaired by the Mayor, is made up of equal numbers of elected municipal officials and of persons appointed by the Mayor from among those "participating in activities of animation, prevention and social development in the commune".

Among these people, there must be at least:

A representative of associations working in the field of integration and the fight against exclusion;
A representative of family associations appointed on the proposal of the departmental union of family associations;
A representative of associations of pensioners and elderly people in the department;
A representative of associations of disabled people in the department.
These associations are welcome to apply and propose people likely to represent them on the CCAS board of directors.

They are invited to send to the Mayor a list comprising at least three people (unless duly justified impossibility). Associations with the same purpose can propose a common list.

To be eligible, applications must concern people:

Duly mandated by the association to represent it, it being established that the association must have its seat in the department;
Carrying out prevention, animation or social development actions in the municipality;
Who are not suppliers of goods or services to the CCAS, have no service relationship with regard to the CCAS;
Who are not members of the municipal council.
The terms of elected and appointed directors of the board of directors will run until the next municipal election.



The lists of people presented by the associations concerned must be sent to the Mayor by June 12, 2020 at the latest, by registered post with acknowledgment of receipt or be delivered to the secretariat of the Town Hall against acknowledgment of receipt.




.........   Links   .........

Permanences of the Mayor


Municipal elected officials of Grimaud

Port Grimaud


PLU folder

Les Grimaldines

Villages and cities flowered

The Community of communes of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez

Consignes générales de sécurité (catastrophe naturelle ou technologique)

List of documents relating to the invitation to tender for the award of professional AOTs for the marina



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