For ten years or so, all the regulatory means open within the national framework have been implemented in the Var department with regard to the opening of wild boar hunting, which can be practiced up to ten months after year in compliance with regulations.
Despite the maximum extension of wild boar hunting possibilities, many municipalities are affected by the acute problems caused by the proliferation of wild boars.
Other levers of action exist and must be used to combat and reduce the nuisance caused by these wild boars, particularly in urban and peri-urban areas.
Ban on feeding wild boars
It should be remembered that the feeding and distribution of food of all kinds intended for wild boars in the natural, urban and peri-urban environment is strictly prohibited in the Var department.
Anyone who violates these provisions is liable to the fine provided for 1st class contraventions.
Property fences
Only fences correctly anchored in the ground (masonry walls or rigid fences with concrete base) resist wild boar.
However, it should be borne in mind that, in the case of plots located in a flood zone, the construction of a masonry wall must comply with the requirements of article R214-1 of the environmental code, and in particular must not not obstruct the flow of floods, nor constitute a dike.
In the absence of lasting and effective protection, the lieutenants of the weaver cannot respond favorably to all requests from individuals.
Legal clearing obligations (OLD)
In addition to its essential interest in terms of prevention in the face of the risk of forest fires, maintaining a cleared state or a regular clearing of all the plots affected by OLDs drastically reduces the problem of wild boars in the area. urban.
Louveterie lieutenants mobilization framework
The lieutenants of louveterie, appointed by the prefect, are auxiliary agents of the State who exercise, in the general interest, public service missions and are the technical advisers of the administration for problems of wildlife management. , including in terms of health.
They are not intended to intervene in private homes for damage caused to private gardens.
Specific provisions during confinement
Also, during the confinement period remain authorized, in accordance with the prefectural decree of November 6, 2020:
- wild boar driven hunting organized by hunting societies
- administrative battues, organized by the lieutenants of the louveterie
- the trapping of harmful animals by approved trappers.