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.........   Tuesday 23 November 2021: Entrepreneur's Forum   .........

Tuesday 23 November 2021: Entrepreneur's Forum

Creators, buyers, startups, managers of VSEs & SMEs ...
Take part in the Entrepreneur Forum: unique meetings to create your business, develop your network and share the experience of other entrepreneurs!

Don't miss the 3rd edition of the Entrepreneur's Forum on Tuesday 23 November at the Blaquières sports complex in Grimaud.

This meeting, offered by the Community of municipalities of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez, will allow you to gather from specialists in the creation and development of businesses useful information, advice, good addresses and other tips to help you. in your efforts.

Come meet experts for sound advice;
Participate in workshops and information meetings;
Meet, discuss, develop your professional network during the Speed ​​Business Meeting.

You will also have the possibility of reaching out to young entrepreneurs to hear their testimonies and share their experiences during the presentation of Initiative Var vouchers in the presence of elected representatives of the Community of municipalities.

Large room, on the ground floor:
- 9:30 am - 2:30 pm: the village of partners and economic operators.
A business creation or development project? Forty experts at your service for enlightened advice.
- 11 am: Speed ​​Business Meeting, in partnership with the CCIV.

Arthur Bauchet room, upstairs:
- 9:30 am - 10:15 am: Workshop "Micro-enterprise from A to Z", led by Véronique Berruyer, from Finances & Pédagogie.
- 10:30 am - 11:15 am: Workshop "How to boost your business thanks to customer reviews", led by Christophe Berthelon, from Plus que Pro.
- 11:30 am - 12 noon: Workshop "3 minutes to breathe and breathe: quick techniques for leaders in a hurry", led by Claudine Pons, Sports Coach.

Organized by the Community of Municipalities of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez




.........   Links   .........

Permanences of the Mayor


Municipal elected officials of Grimaud

Port Grimaud


PLU folder

Les Grimaldines

Villages and cities flowered

The Community of communes of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez

Consignes générales de sécurité (catastrophe naturelle ou technologique)

List of documents relating to the invitation to tender for the award of professional AOTs for the marina



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