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.........   Foire de la laine   .........

Foire de la laine

Existing for several decades, the Foire de la Laine is a traditional festival taking place on Ascension Thursday.
On the program for this bucolic day: a market with more colorful stalls, with the flavors of our very dear Provence, homemade products and sincere smiles.

After the tastings of different specialties and the purchase of a few finds, you can enjoy the animations and demonstrations of the trades of yesteryear such as the shearing of sheep.

PDF : Agenda 2022





.........   Links   .........

Permanences of the Mayor


Municipal elected officials of Grimaud

Port Grimaud


PLU folder

Les Grimaldines

Villages and cities flowered

The Community of communes of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez

Consignes générales de sécurité (catastrophe naturelle ou technologique)

List of documents relating to the invitation to tender for the award of professional AOTs for the marina



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