Official website of the City Council of Grimaud Français Facebook Instagram
Citizen participation
Local transportation

.........   From July 6 to 9, 2022: 2nd   .........

From July 6 to 9, 2022: 2nd

Meet from July 6 to 9, 2022, every evening at 9:30 p.m. on the new square to laugh thanks to the theater and the talent of professional and amateur companies.
- July 6: The racing bike by the company "Julien Sigalas"
- July 7: Kiss-kiss by the "Anagram" Company
- July 8: The infernal elevator by the "CRET de Grimaud" company
- 9 July: “Comedian platter” by La Scène lyonnaise

PDF : leaflet





.........   Links   .........

Permanences of the Mayor


Municipal elected officials of Grimaud

Port Grimaud


PLU folder

Les Grimaldines

Villages and cities flowered

The Community of communes of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez

Consignes générales de sécurité (catastrophe naturelle ou technologique)



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