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.........   Tuesday, February 14, 2023: pollution alert   .........

Tuesday, February 14, 2023: pollution alert

The Var prefecture is triggering the level 1 air pollution alert for Tuesday, February 14, 2023. Find the health and behavioral recommendations to protect yourself.

In view of the deterioration in air quality and the concentrations expected in the department, the prefect of Var is triggering the level 1 alert procedure for Tuesday, February 14.

This procedure is accompanied by the implementation of health and behavioral recommendations and the following measures:

In the industrial sector:
Industrial emitters implement the special requirements provided for in the operating authorizations for facilities classified for environmental protection (ICPE).

In the transport sector:
- Reduction of 20 km/h in the maximum speeds authorized on the roads, without however falling below 70 km/h;
- Reinforcement of speed controls.

In the residential and tertiary sector:
– Postponement of maintenance or cleaning work carried out by the population or local authorities with non-electric tools (mower, hedge trimmer, etc.) or products based on organic solvents (white spirit, paint, decorative varnishes, automotive refinishing products, etc.);
– Strict ban on open-air burning of green waste (suspension of derogations).
– Suspension of the use of non-efficient biomass combustion devices or generators.

In the agricultural sector:
- Suspend the practice of burning and open-air burning of agricultural by-products;
– Postponement of the spreading of mineral and organic fertilizers taking into account the constraints already provided for by the action programs taken under Council Directive 91/676/EEC of 12 December 1991 on the protection of water against pollution by nitrates from agricultural sources.

To protect your health:
– Reduce your intense physical and sports activities (including competitions);
– In the event of respiratory or cardiac discomfort, seek advice from your pharmacist or doctor;
– If you are sensitive or vulnerable, choose the shortest outings, those that require the least effort and avoid travel on major roads and around them, during peak periods (7 a.m.-10 a.m. / 4 p.m.-7 p.m.) ;

To help improve air quality:
– Limit your private and professional travel, as well as the use of motor vehicles by favoring carpooling and public transport;
– Favor short journeys and non-polluting modes of travel (walking, cycling, etc.);
– Respect the ban on open burning and the framework for derogations;
– Control the temperature in buildings (heating or air conditioning);
– Postpone maintenance or cleaning work requiring the use of solvents, paints or varnishes.




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