La fabuleuse histoire de Marcel Pagnol” is a playful, comic, intelligent and entertaining show!
In this play, the actors keep to the codes of today's teenagers to captivate them to the max:
- “Do you know the most famous person in the world from the south of France?
- Heuuu... Jul?
- Pfff!
- Soprano?
- Pfffff...
- But no: it's Marcel Pagnol!”
Audiences will relive Marcel's childhood in the hills of Aubagne and Garlaban, with the most memorable passages from
“La gloire de mon père” and ‘le château de ma mère’.
The schoolchildren-narrators waiting for the bus will follow one another through the life, anecdotes and birth of the works of the famous academician, finally reproducing the most beautiful scenes in a live show.
Admission: €10 (over 12s) - Free for children under 12.
Château de Grimaud at 9:30 pm, Saturday August 3, 2024.