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.........   Avis de publicité suite à manifestation d’intérêt spontanée pour l’exploitation d’une activité commerciale en lien avec la mobilité douce   .........

Avis de publicité suite à manifestation d’intérêt spontanée pour l’exploitation d’une activité commerciale en lien avec la mobilité douce

This publicity notice is being issued in the context of Ordinance 2017-562 of 19 April 2017 on the ownership of public persons and, more specifically, Articles L.2122-1 and L.2122-1-4 et seq. of the Code Général de la Propriété des Personnes Publiques (CG3P).
Its purpose is to inform the public of an unsolicited expression of interest from a private party to temporarily occupy the municipal public domain with a view to setting up and running a commercial activity related to soft mobility.
In application of the aforementioned provisions and in order to ensure transparency and equal treatment of potential applicants for the occupation of the municipal domain for the pursuit of economic activities, the Commune shall implement advertising measures prior to the issue of a temporary occupation permit.
If no candidate comes forward after advertising, the sites may be allocated to the private individual who initially expressed an interest.


Nature of the proposed activity:
Operation of a commercial activity related to soft mobility during the summer period, from 1 May to 30 September.

The purpose of the temporary occupancy agreement for the municipal public domain that will be issued at the end of this consultation will be to set up and operate a commercial activity related to soft mobility.

The site provided, with a surface area of between 50 and 100 m² depending on the needs expressed by the occupier, will be located inside the Saint-Pons car park, close to the communal premises made available to the Restos du Cœur.
The exact location will be defined in consultation with the occupier and the municipal technical services.

PDF : Advertising notice following an unsolicited expression of interest for the operation of a commercial activity related to soft mobility





.........   Links   .........

Permanences of the Mayor


Municipal elected officials of Grimaud

Port Grimaud


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Les Grimaldines

Villages and cities flowered

The Community of communes of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez

Consignes générales de sécurité (catastrophe naturelle ou technologique)



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