A windmill has been set up here since the 16th century. First called Moulin de la Gardiole, it will become Moulin "Saint-Roch" in the 17th century, following the construction of the chapel dedicated to this saint, a few hundred meters away. It is one of the four windmills of the commune. However, other mills, much more numerous, also made it possible to produce flour: water mills. There were 9 of them on the territory.
In the 1990s, the roof, the wings and the mechanism were restored. In front of the building there is a breeding ground. On this space, horses trampled with their hoofs, the sheaves of wheat. Sometimes they pulled a roll of stone, increasing the efficiency of the action. Once the dust and pieces of straw had been removed, the grains were carried to the mill to be crushed by the 2 stone millstones. The miller installed sails on the wings (or antennae) of the mill. During the milling, he had to be attentive to many parameters such as the strength and the orientation of the wind. An adequate speed of the wheels made it possible to produce a suitable flour. These mills were stopped at the beginning of the 20th century.