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.........   Extension of the period of prohibition of the use of fire in the Var   .........

Extension of the period of prohibition of the use of fire in the Var

The department of Var is particularly exposed to the risk of forest fire and the burning of green waste is an important source of air pollution, harmful to public health. Consequently, the prefectural decree of 16 May 2013 prohibits the burning of green waste throughout the department and strictly regulates the use of fire with regard to fire risks.

To prevent any risk of fire, the red period prohibiting the use of fire in the Var is extended until October 15, 2018 inclusive.

This regulation governed by the prefectural decree of 16 May 2013 is binding on all. However, it provides for various exemptions. Three periods in the year depending on the risk sensitivity of forest fire are defined:

  • the RED period (very high risk) from June 1st to September 30th, as well as any other day of the year when the wind blows more than 40 km /: use of fire is forbidden, (As an indication, a wind of 40 km / h is characterized by the sway of large branches and electric wires, or when young trees are agitated).
  • the ORANGE period (high risk) from February 1st to March 31st, when the use of fire is possible in the absence of wind after declaration in town hall and provided that there is no air pollution,
  • the GREEN period (moderate risk) covering the rest of the year, the use of fire is possible except in case of wind above 40km / h and provided that there is no air pollution, in the event of particular climatic conditions involving high risks, other periods of the year may be punctually classified as red by prefectural decree.

More informations: 

PDF : Press release - forbiden of use of fire





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