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.........   Hydrocarbon pollution: situation as of 24 October 2018 at noon   .........

Hydrocarbon pollution: situation as of 24 October 2018 at noon

Hydrocarbon continues to run aground on the beaches of the commune. Yesterday, the beach of Port-Grimaud Nord was affected. This morning, the beach of Port-Grimaud South was again polluted. The municipality has put in place a plan for continuous cleaning of polluted areas. Indeed, it should be reactive to prevent the hydrocarbon pellets load sand and sink into the range. Since this morning, the technical services of the town hall are supported by the intervention of ten firefighters. Access to all the beaches of the town is strictly forbidden to the public.

PDF : Interdiction accès toutes les plages





.........   Links   .........

Permanences of the Mayor


Municipal elected officials of Grimaud

Port Grimaud


PLU folder

Les Grimaldines

Villages and cities flowered

The Community of communes of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez

Consignes générales de sécurité (catastrophe naturelle ou technologique)

List of documents relating to the invitation to tender for the award of professional AOTs for the marina



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